Four fun facts: The Immune Elixir edition

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Our nine-ingredient Immune Elixir has many benefits – some you may not even know about. Here are four...


The Immune Elixir contains a natural source of Vitamin C, which is derived from Amla (Indian gooseberry) fruit extract, in comparison to what most other brands use, synthetic ascorbic acid. We believe our natural C is one of the ingredients that sets our formulation apart!



The other hero ingredient is Reishi mushroom extract – collected in spring, autumn and winter. It is traditionally used in Chinese medicine to support lung health and loosen respiratory tract mucous.



This formula includes a vegan source of Vitamin D3 as opposed to animal-derived D3. It comes from lichen (not your usual sheep’s wool) and is 100% sustainable and pesticide free.



The Immune Elixir also contains astragalus root extract, which is traditionally used in Chinese medicine as a lung tonic. It also supports a healthy immune system and helps the body adapt to stress.


Always read the label and follow the directions for use. The information in this article is not intended to be taken as medical advice. We recommend consulting your primary healthcare professional before making any changes to your supplementary routine.


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