Matching your life stage with our solution-based Elixirs.
Over the past 11 years, WelleCo has built a strong, globally recognised collection of both foundational and targeted Elixirs. Our foundational Elixirs, or what we call our 3-Steps Welle, include The Super Elixir™, Nourishing Protein and the third step is either our Sleep Welle Calming Tea or our best-selling Evening Elixir. These are the WelleCo wellness staples for every person, at every life stage (from 16 years of age, that is!) Our targeted collection however, can assist different age groups, by delivering extra support to a specific concern.
Here we explain which of our Elixirs best suit your age so you can thrive, no matter your era!
Decade: Thirties
Try:The Collagen Elixir
Why:In your thirties, it’s all about optimising your skin and preparing in the best way you can for the following years, when aging becomes more of a focus. Set your skin up for success with The Collagen Elixir, containing the clinically-trialled Naticol, which are bioactive collagen peptides that target skin hydration, skin firmness and elasticity, as well as boosting skin collagen formation.
Decade: Forties
Try:The PMS Elixir
Why:Between the ages of 40 to 50, it’s often about creating balance with your cycle and ensuring the associated symptoms don’t take over your life! You may be fertile, so The PMS Elixir is the ideal Elixir to be taken before symptoms of perimenopause rear their head! The PMS Elixir contains Vitex, which supports healthy hormone balance and irregular periods. The PMS Elixir also relieves symptoms like bloating, mood swings, headaches and breast tenderness, as well as assisting with sugar and carbohydrate metabolism.
Decade: Fifties
Try:The Goddess Elixir.
Why:WelleCo’sGoddess Elixir supports perimenopausal and menopausal symptoms, including mood balance, sleeplessness, night sweats, hot flushes and irritability. These capsules, with their signature blend of red clover, vitex, Siberian ginseng, magnesium, B vitamins and hops provide vitality, balance and clarity, in every phase of your body’s wondrous regenerative process.
Decade: Sixties
Try:Sleep Welle Calming Tea
Why:Rated 4.7 out of 5 stars, this tea contains a blend of herbs traditionally used to help calm, relax and ease the mind into a restful night’s sleep. As women age, the body’s natural sleep patterns change, often leading to sleeplessness by way of reduced deep sleep, more frequent wake-ups and shorter periods of sleep overall. WelleCo’s tea can be used alone or in conjunction with The Evening Elixir and, with the use of hops, valerian, lemon balm, passionflower and skullcap, helps calm the mind, relax the body and support a good night’s sleep.
All WelleCo Elixirs (apart from The Goddess Elixir) can support you at any age, through any stage of your life.