Overindulged over the Easter break? Here are 4 easy ways to get your gut back in balance
If your belly is feeling a little out of sorts and swollen after the holidays, chances are you're bloated. Your gastrointestinal tract may be filled with air or gas, or – because a large percentage of the immune system is located in your gut – bacteria could also be the cause.
When normal digestive function is interrupted, good bacteria decreases and excess gas is produced which can result in a bloated stomach. It can feel uncomfortable, but there are a number of simple ways you can get your gut back in balance.
Be aware of fermentation
Legumes like lentils, chickpeas and kidney beans contain alpha-galactocides which are fermented by gut bacteria in the colon that cause gas that leads to bloating. Make yours more digestible by rinsing tinned beans under water in a colander until their sudsy film dissipates. If using dried legumes, always soak well before cooking.
Take daily pre and probiotics
Probiotics are known as the good variety of bacteria, keeping the body’s digestive system healthy by controlling the growth of harmful bacteria. For good bacteria to survive in the body’s bowel, prebiotic foods act like a fertiliser for the good bacteria. Prebiotic foods, like guar gum, are non-digestible food fibres which when consumed, ferment and produce acids in the lower gut, promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria in the large intestine.
WelleCo'sNourishing Proteincontains both probiotics and prebiotics to support the entire digestive system. Probiotics are proven to treat, prevent or even cure anything from depression to irritable bowel syndrome and colic. Good health starts with a healthy digestive tract, because a large part of the immune system is located around the bowel. Probiotics are important for the regulation of immunity, while also helping to prevent coughs, colds and infections.
Avoid foods high in FODMAPS
Onions and garlic are on high-rotation in most homes but they're also a common cause of bloating due to their high content of FODMAPs – a collection of short chain carbohydrates and sugar alcohols found in foods naturally or as food additives. When consumed, gut bacteria breaks them down quickly which can lead to bloating. If you can’t give up onion or garlic, ensure it is well cooked or cut back your weekly consumption.
Drink more water
Think water is making you bloated? It's actually doing the opposite. Water prevents two common causes of bloating – dehydration and constipation. Aim to drink between 2 and 3 litres of filtered water every day. Elevate its flavour and health benefits by adding lemon, a natural diuretic and gentle laxative, or try our iconic The Super Elixir™ to simultaneously benefit your digestion and beauty-through-wellness goals.